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1 Killed and Another Injured in Head-On Collision in Rogers, Arkansas

Nobody ever wants to read about someone getting hurt or killed in a motor vehicle accident. But when the victims are young people, it is doubly heartbreaking. Sadly, this is exactly what happened this week in Rogers, Arkansas.

The police responded to a multi-car accident in Rogers. The accident happened on Interstate-49 at about 8:53 on Monday night, July 27, 2020. There were two cars involved in the crash. No details were provided on the second vehicle or its passengers.

What the authorities did confirm is that a 24-year old man named Tristian Colvin from Springdale was driving his Chevy Cruze down I-49. For some reason, he was traveling Northbound in the Southbound lanes of the highway. In the car with Colvin was 22-year old London Holmbeck – also from Springdale, Arkansas.

The Chevy Cruze ended up smashing into a second vehicle head-on. By the time the cops arrived at the scene, they needed to call for multiple ambulances and an extraction team. Sadly, the passenger – Holmbeck – had passed away from her injuries at the scene and was pronounced dead.

The driver was taken to Mercy Hospital for treatment. The police did not indicate how serious his injuries were. They have also not said if he has been charged with any crimes at this time. However, the police almost always run toxicology tests when they suspect impairment may have been at play. In head-on collisions, this is routine.

The family of the victim has not yet made a statement. However, the young woman’s family will likely have a possible legal claim. The police did not indicate what relationship the victim had to the driver – Tristian Colvin.

If your loved one is hurt or killed in any motor vehicle accident, you need to call our office right away.
